Back Yourself: Taking control of Ankylosing Spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) symptoms shouldn’t control your life. We’re here to help by providing information about AS, expert perspectives, and resources to help improve your quality of life.
Have the confidence to back yourself, so you can get back to the things you love.
Talk to your doctor about AS
If you’re living with the autoimmune condition, ankylosing spondylitis, you’d know how it feels to have joint pain and stiffness. You may also hold back in life – from simple activities you used to enjoy, to the life goals you once looked forward to achieving. After a while, it can be hard to remember what ‘good’ is, and you might even start believing ‘ok’ is good enough.
Accepting your life as it is or adjusting your life around your condition may seem like a decent way to cope, but missing out on what’s important to you shouldn’t be the norm.
If you think or know that AS is holding you back or impacting your life, it could be time to get back to your rheumatologist and healthcare team for a conversation about how you’re managing your AS and your goals.
Download the conversation guide to make the most of your appointment.
Download the Conversation GuideDownload the Conversation GuideThere is life after being diagnosed with AS
While there is no cure for AS, learning about ankylosing spondylitis and taking an active role in managing your condition may help you feel less pain and allow you to live a full and active life.
Steps to take control of your AS:
- Learn about ankylosing spondylitis and empower yourself with tools and resources to help you live well.
- Manage your symptoms with treatments, lifestyle changes and the guidance and support of your rheumatologist and healthcare team.
- Monitor your progress and get back to doing the things you love.
Hear about Matt’s AS journey.
Matt was living with AS for almost a decade before he received his diagnosis. He had consulted doctors, physios, and chiropractors, but none of them were able to explain the cause of his pain. His partner, who was in his last year of med school, noticed the pain on his face whilst exercising, and suggested he see a rheumatologist. Shortly thereafter, his AS diagnosis was confirmed.
“Thinking back on it now, I can’t believe that that is how I lived my life for such a long time. AS is a difficult journey, but you are definitely not alone and you can get the most out of your life, trust me.”
*Patient experience is unique to the individual. For further information please talk to your doctor. Information is intended for Australian residents only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional.
How Mitch Crews got back in the surf
My journey with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) started back in 2009, when I was on the verge of reaching my dreams of becoming a professional surfer. I was just starting out but was told that I truly had what it took to go pro. I had big aspirations and had sponsorships knocking at my door.
*Patient experience is unique to the individual. For further information please talk to your doctor. Information is intended for Australian residents only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional.
We’ve got your back: Resources for managing AS
Back Yourself helps you and your loved ones to learn more about AS, so you, alongside with your rheumatologist and healthcare team can take an active role in managing AS symptoms. Access resources to help with AS management including Exercises for AS, Support for AS and Real Stories.

Ready to take control of AS?
Your rheumatologist and healthcare team are your best allies in taking control of AS. It doesn’t matter whether it’s been one or many years since your diagnosis with AS, it’s never too late.
If you think AS is holding you back or impacting your life, it’s time to talk to your rheumatologist about your goals and how you’re managing. Don’t let AS hold you back, take control.
Download the guide to help you make the most out of your conversations with your doctors.
Download the Conversation GuideDownload the Conversation Guide